The Hidden Menace in Your Lawn: Mole Crickets


Your lawn is supposed to be a sign of peace and beauty, but little do you know, mole crickets may be wreaking havoc beneath its lush green surface. These subterranean pests can cause significant damage to warm-season grasses, leaving your turf vulnerable to further issues. Let’s explore common questions about mole crickets and how to protect your lawn.

What Are Mole Crickets and Why Are They a Problem?

Mole crickets are burrowing insects that thrive in sandy soils. Their tunneling habits damage grass roots, leading to unsightly brown patches and spongy turf. Beyond the surface damage, mole crickets disrupt root systems, making it harder for grass to absorb water and nutrients.

How Can You Tell If Mole Crickets Are in Your Lawn?

Signs of a mole cricket infestation include:

  • Raised, swollen areas on the lawn surface.
  • Irregular brown patches or spongy grass.
  • Turf that pulls away easily due to weakened roots.

If your lawn feels soft underfoot or looks patchy despite regular care, mole crickets might be to blame.

What Types of Grass Are Most Affected by Mole Crickets?

Warm-season grasses like Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Zoysia are particularly susceptible to mole cricket damage. Their shallow root systems make them an easy target for these pests.

How Do Mole Crickets Damage Lawns?

Mole crickets burrow through the soil, feeding on grass roots as they tunnel. This results in:

  • Poor water and nutrient absorption.
  • Increased water usage and maintenance costs.
  • Large, brown, spongy areas that disrupt the lawn’s aesthetics.

Severe infestations may require costly turf repairs or complete renovation. At Freedom Lawns, we recommend the peace of mind that comes with our professional two-in-one annual fire ant and mole cricket treatment.

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